FLOS Architectural 2023

Defant's Club Gym, Italy Offices, Singapur Designed by Flos Architectural SURFACE Find out more at flos.com/superflat SUPER FLAT SUSPENSION SUPER FLAT Gruppo C14 Offices, Italy SUPER FLAT 451 450 Leuchtenfamilie für die allgemeine Beleuchtung (minimaler Impact dank kleinem Profil) mit direkter und indirekter Lichtverteilung. Ausgestattet mit LED-Lichtquellen für optimalen Lichtstrom und hohen Sehkomfort sowie minimalen Energieverlust. Family of general lighting luminaires (minimal visual impact thanks to their reduced profile) with direct and indirect light distribution. Equipped with LED lighting sources that supply an optimal flow of light, great visual comfort and minimising energy losses.